Welcome to the Okinawa Gojuryu Karate website, the only
                                     website where you can download the katas of Okinawa Gojuryu!
                                     Please feel free to download them. This site was created and is
                                     updated by students of Okinawa Gojuryu, so feel free to send
                                     any comments to US.

                                     All the katas contained in this website are traditional kata,
                                     as taught to me by my teachers, George Smith and Glenn Cunningham.
                                     To maintain the katas this way, frequent trips to the Jundokan in
                                     Naha, Okinawa are made, so stay tuned for updates.

                                     This page is under construction.

                                              Please be sure to sign my guestbook! Especially students of NYC
                                              Jundokan and students of Okinawa Gojuryu. Thank you!

BudoSeek! Martial Arts Community


BudoSeek! Martial Arts Community

BudoSeek! Martial Arts Community